Phil is coming home today! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This morning I canceled a doctor's appointment (who needs immunizations anyway?) so that Mom and I could take full advantage of the nanny and could enjoy a morning at IKEA. Mom's flying out tonight and we won't have another chance to just hang out the 2 of us before they fly to the States for the holidays. Our first stop was at the IKEA restaurant for coffee and a danish. The store was pretty empty so it was really nice just wondering around. Mom bought Maddie's bday gift - a wooden baby bed for her favorite doll. Then we finished it off with a hotdog and flat coke. The weather it typical here today. Rainy and cool. Both girls are snoozing and since I had 2 cups of coffee, I am not.
stories, thoughts, and grumblings that a few people scattered around the globe will enjoy